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Articles tagged with: Alarm Systems

Five Ways Smart Home Security Fights Crime

It's easier than ever. You won't need a mask, or a Batmobile, or even a grappling hook. You'll just need a smartphone (red is optional) and anAlarm.com-powered security system.

Once it'sinstalled in your home… well, that's it. You can take a nap, or go to work, or watch TV, while Alarm.com's smarter home security technology protects your home, family and neighborhood. Here's how.

It alerts you to everyday security risks

Property crime is often opportunistic. A thief will take advantage of agarage doorthat's left open, or a window left unlocked. Alarm.com prevents these situations by automatically reminding you if you leave your home unsecured.

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Leave your garage door open when you go to work, and you'llget an actionable reminderon your smartphone, prompting you to close it remotely. You might forget; Alarm.com doesn't.

It's a powerful deterrent to criminals

Most burglars will avoid a home with a security system. A 2013 studyconfirmsthat most burglars check foralarm signs and security cameraswhen selecting a target, and that most will go elsewhere if home security technology is present.

An Alarm.com-powered security system is a particularly effective deterrent because of itsdedicated cellular connection, which can't be disabled by cutting a wire.

It summons help to your home in an emergency

Should a burglar enter your home regardless, your smart home security systemprotects you proactivelyby alerting your central monitoring station. A trained security professional will assess the situation and dispatch law enforcement to your home.

Even if the burglar disables your security panel, your system will signal for help regardless, thanks to Alarm.com's Crash and Smash protection.

It helps the police identify and catch crooks

Burglars and bogus callers often return to the same neighborhood over and over. Catching them on anAlarm.com-powered security cameracan provide a breakthrough for your local police—in some cases identifying them outright.

It's easy to check footage from an Alarm.com-powered security camera orsmart doorbell. Video clips are delivered to your smartphone, and also stored in the cloud, making it simple to find, view and share your video with law enforcement.

It protects your whole neighborhood

Might your crime-fighting home displace crime to your neighbors' houses instead? Quite the opposite, says another study, this time byRutgers University.

Instead, your smart home security system's deterrent actually extends outwards, protecting your neighbors' homes as well as yours. The more systems there are in your neighborhood, the more likely it is that thieves aredeterred from the area completely.

How Today's Security Systems Protect Your Family When You're Not There

Becoming a dad changes everything. Most of all, it changes you. Scientific research has confirmed that—for dads as well as moms—having a family literally rewires your brain. 

Before kids, you could sleep through freight train noise. Today, one faint cry from the next bedroom gets you up and lumbering down the hall. Before kids, crying babies in public made you cringe. Today, you might walk over to see if you can distract the baby with silly faces. The transformation is remarkable. 

Likewise, when you travel nowadays, part of you enjoys the break, but the "new" you doesn't feel right about being cut off. That's why many dads opt to stay connected and keep things secure 
with a smart home security system

Here's why you can rely on it 

1: Alarm.com has its own "dad reflexes"

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Old security systems were great at letting you know something bad just happened. As a vigilant dad, you know that's not good enough. 

A modern security system—much like you—can detect trouble early so that you can act quickly. It combines advanced connected devices like motion-sensitive doorbell cameras, contact sensors, and smart smoke detectors with powerful cloud intelligence that can discern what might be happening. 

When there's an issue, the system is designed to act—sending a smartphone alert if there's motion on the front porch, for example, or shutting down your home's AC if smoke is detected, or sending 
a reminder about an unlocked door

Just ensure that you have 
the Alarm.com app on your phone before you leave home, and smart home security can take care of the rest. 

2: It's backed by 24/7 monitoring

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Even with Alarm.com's proactive security smarts, it can still be hard to shake the feeling that your house could be a target for burglars when you're gone. 

This is where a true smart home security system can give you peace of mind. Alarm.com-powered systems can include 24/7 professional monitoring, with a connection to a central station staffed by security professionals who can respond to alarm signals in an emergency to assess the situation and potentially dispatch help to your home. 

With the reassurance of smart home security at home, you can focus on the purpose of your trip 

3: It helps you keep things in line

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Your house, your rules—but is that still the case when you're not there? Even when you're away, you can use Alarm.com to let you know what's going on. 

Take curfew, for example. Give each of your kids 
their own user code for the door and Alarm.com's smartphone alerts (including a no-show alert option) will let you know if they're out too late. 

If your kids get 
tempted to explore out-of-bounds areas (man cave included), contact sensors can let you know right away. Meanwhile, connected video monitoring makes it easy to check in anytime 

4: And you can still do the last security check at night

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If double-checking the house last thing at night is your job, you'll appreciate being able to do it from anywhere with Alarm.com. 

Open your app once you know everyone's in bed, and you should be able to see the status of your home's doors, windows, garage doors and security system. If things are out of place, it only takes a couple more taps to lock up and arm the system. 

Want to know more? 

With smart home technology, tamper resistant features and proactive safeguards, Alarm.com's smart security technology is trusted by millions.

To get your home protected click here.